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Congestion Pricing Cities Convening

Join NACTO, NRDC, and the City of Vancouver BC for a cities-only convening on opportunities, challenges, and resources for city congestion pricing. Leading thinkers and top experts in congestion pricing will present on topics ranging from data and modeling to communications and marketing. During this event, we will develop collective and individual actions for moving congestion pricing initiatives forward across North American cities.

Thursday, May 17:
→ Presentations from London and Stockholm
→ Q+A with congestion pricing experts
→ Group Exercise: Opportunities, Barriers, and Collective Action
→ Workshop: Data & Modeling, Stakeholder Engagement, Communications
→ Equity Deep Dive
→ Evening Event  – open to the public (more information to come!)

Friday, May 18:  
→ Communications, Marketing, and Campaign Planning
→ Engaging Advocates and Building Champions

Please note, this event is by invitation only.