Once completed, the one-way cycle track on Cully Boulevard between Prescott Ave. and Killingsworth Ave. in Portland, OR, will represent the city’s most comprehensive traffic-protected bicycle facility. Previous to its reconstruction, Cully Blvd. was an unimproved street with center strip asphalt paving and no sidewalk or other amenities. The Cully Blvd. project involves a total reconstruction of the street, including a raised cycle track on both sides of the street, “green street” and storm-water treatment features, and curb extensions. To decrease the risk of bicyclist and right-turning motorist collisions, parking was pushed back at the intersection. The raised cycle track gradually transitions to street grade (with a continuation of the concrete material) and moves closer towards traffic to increase visibility at the intersection. Design of storm-water treatment features, which stretch the width of the parking lane, carefully analyzed the water flow as a result of the change in grade between the sidewalk, cycle track, and the street.
This project was designed and implemented by the Portland Bureau of Transportation. It is slated for completion in late summer 2011.