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Rina Cutler, Danny Pleasant, and Robin Hutcheson Appointed to NACTO Executive Board

Jan 15, 2014

Washington, DC, January 15, 2014

NACTO President Ed Reiskin announced that Rina Cutler, Philadelphia Deputy Mayor of Transportation and Utilities, has been elected Vice President of NACTO. City of Charlotte Transportation Director Danny Pleasant will serve as NACTO Treasurer, and Robin Hutcheson, Salt Lake City Transportation Director, will fill a newly created position on NACTO’s Executive Board, Affiliate Member Representative.

“Under the strong direction of former President Janette Sadik-Khan, NACTO has emerged as a game-changing force for city transportation,” said President Ed Reiskin. “With dynamic leadership from our new Executive Board members Rina Cutler, Danny Pleasant, and Robin Hutcheson, NACTO is poised to build on this success and continue to change the conversation on 21st century street design.”

“NACTO has given city transportation officials a voice,” said Rina Cutler. “Philadelphia and our peer cities are leading the charge with smart, innovative transportation agendas, and we will continue to raise the bar through NACTO. I look forward to serving as Vice President of this visionary association.”

“As a relatively new member of NACTO, Charlotte has already benefitted tremendously from the collaborative efforts of NACTO cities,” said Danny Pleasant. “I’m thrilled to contribute to this organization’s success in supporting livable, urban communities through progressive transportation best practices.”

I’m honored to represent NACTO’s Affiliate Members on the Executive Board,” said Robin Hutcheson. “NACTO’s leadership has helped Salt Lake City become a progressive transportation leader, and I look forward to expanding opportunities for cities.”

Wylie Bearup, Director of the Phoenix Street Transportation Department, will continue to serve as NACTO Secretary. Janette Sadik-Khan, former NACTO President, will serve as Chair of the Strategic Advisory Board.

As Philadelphia Deputy Mayor of Transportation and Utilities, Rina Cutler oversees Philadelphia International Airport, the Water Department, the Streets Department, and the City’s Energy Office. Cutler serves on the Boards of SEPTA, DVRPC, the Philadelphia Port Authority, the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, and the Schuylkill River Development Corporation. Previously Cutler served as Penn-DOT’s Deputy Secretary for Administration, the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Parking Authority, the Transportation Commissioner for the City of Boston, and the Director of Parking & Traffic for the City of San Francisco.

Danny Pleasant currently serves as Transportation Director for the City of Charlotte. He is responsible for the full spectrum of planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining city streets for walkers, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists. His department provides staffing for a two-county metropolitan planning organization and the twelve-county air quality planning region. With his background as a professional planner, Danny is dedicated to helping build quality communities using thoughtful transportation planning and investment strategies. Danny joined the City of Charlotte in 2002, after serving 14 years as Transportation Planning Bureau Chief for the City of Orlando, Florida. Danny also is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, the Urban Land Institute, and the Congress for the New Urbanism and is a Fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

As Transportation Director of Salt Lake City, Robin Hutcheson manages sustainable transportation programs such as bicycle and pedestrian travel and streetcar network development. She also contributes to policy development to support Salt Lake City’s livability goals, focusing on key transportation initiatives to improve mobility, access and quality of life. For the past 15 years, Hutcheson has worked as an industry consultant on a broad range of transportation planning projects, including alternative modes development, mobility management and transportation and traffic studies.  Hutcheson has also played a key role on several Salt Lake City projects including streetcar development, the Complete Streets initiative and sustainable transportation planning.



NACTO is an association of 30 US cities formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues. Members include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, DC. Affiliate members of NACTO include Arlington (VA), Austin, Burlington (VT), Cambridge, Hoboken, Indianapolis, Louisville, Memphis, Oakland, Salt Lake City, Somerville (MA), and Ventura (CA).