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NACTO News: Summer 2013

Aug 15, 2013

August 15, 2013

NACTO to convene Bike Share Roundtable in Denver this fall
In September 2013, NACTO will host a national consortium of bike share owners and non-profit operators in Denver, Colorado. The discussion will focus on major challenges and opportunities for the industry as well as best practices in bike share marketing, sponsorship, and operations. This roundtable is the first meeting of a large, diverse group representing 30 cities with operational or planned bike share systems. For more information on Bike Share, visit

Official release date announced for Urban Street Design Guide 
Published by Island Press 
On September 23, 2013, at the Newseum in Washington D.C., NACTO will officially release its much anticipated Urban Street Design Guide. The Guide builds on the success of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide, giving jurisdictions around the nation a complete blueprint to design safer, more sustainable, and vibrant streetscapes and public spaces. Prior to the official release, NACTO will be previewing the Design Guide at the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals’ Professional Development Series in Boulder, CO (September 9-12, 2013). Pre-order the Urban Street Design Guide now.

Phoenix plans parklets and interim streetscape changes in preparation for fall Designing Cities Conference
Inspired by last year’s Designing Cities Conference in New York, Phoenix officials are working to retrofit two downtown corridors in time for a second NACTO conference in Phoenix this October 27-29. Grand Avenue, a 5-lane collector street, will be narrowed to 3 lanes with 10-foot lane widths, northbound and southbound green bike lanes, and parallel parking. A mile stretch of 1st Street linking Phoenix Light Rail and Margaret T. Hance Park will be reconfigured using epoxied gravel and planters that narrow the roadway and create a friendlier space for pedestrians. In addition to these two streetscape projects, Arizona’s first parklet is being installed to provide public space outside a local eatery. For more information or to register for Designing Cities Phoenix 2013, visit

FHWA to examine cycle tracks, Urban Bikeway Design Guide in upcoming report

In a strong showing of support for the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, the Federal Highway Administration has released a Task Order Proposal Request for a Cycle Track Planning and Design Information Document. The project, which has an extremely aggressive timeline, will analyze 10-20 existing cycle tracks in North America, looking at their design, safety, and overall performance. See full story here.

NACTO welcomes new members San Diego, Salt Lake City and Louisville 
This summer, NACTO welcomes its newest full member city, San Diego, and two new affiliate members, Salt Lake City and Louisville. These three new members not only add to the association’s geographic diversity, but are each aiming to carry out an ambitious sustainable transportation agenda over the next several years as part of NACTO.

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NACTO is an association of 16 major US cities formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues. Members include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, DC. Affiliate members of NACTO include Arlington (VA), Austin, Burlington (VT), Cambridge, Hoboken, Indianapolis, Louisville, Memphis, Oakland, Salt Lake City, and Ventura (CA).