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NACTO welcomes Mayor Anthony Foxx as nominee for Secretary of USDOT.

May 02, 2013

May 2, 2013

Dear Mayor Foxx,

On behalf of the National Association of City Transportation Officials, I want to congratulate you on your nomination by President Barack Obama to the office of Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The members of NACTO are excited that your leadership in Charlotte will now extend to the national arena at the USDOT. As mayor, your support of transit and high-quality street design served as an inspiration to cities across the country. NACTO will be releasing an Urban Street Design Guide this fall to support sustainable street design practices for cities and communities. I invite you to engage with these efforts and support the dissemination of sustainable transportation ideas throughout the country.

As you well know, city transportation systems across the country are in dire need of reinvention and reinvestment. Our bridges, roads and transit systems are struggling to meet the needs of our citizens, especially at the tail end of the recent recession. In cities, this leads to increased costs for businesses, reduces the quality of life for our residents, and even causes more injuries and fatalities on our streets. I know that I speak for all of our members when I say that we will fully support you in increasing funding for these critical needs in our cities.

I look forward to supporting your work on national transportation policy and implementation as we move forward.


Janette Sadik-Khan
President of NACTO
New York City Transportation Commissioner

Click here to read NACTO’s letter of introduction to Mayor Anthony Foxx, President Obama’s nominee to the office of Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation.