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2012 Annual Meeting


(L-R) NACTO Executive Director Ron Thaniel, San Francisco MTA Director Ed Reiskin, NACTO Treasurer and Chicago Transportation Commissioner Gabe Klein, Houston Deputy Director for Traffic and Transportation  Jeffrey Weatherford, Philadelphia Streets Department Commissioner Clarena Tolson, Minneapolis Director of Traffic and Parking Services Jon Wertjes, U.S. Department of Transportation FTA Administrator Peter M. Rogoff, Philadelphia Director of Policy and Planning with the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities Stephen Buckley, NACTO President and New York City Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Detroit Department of Transportation External Affairs Triette Reeves, Los Angeles DOT Assistant General Manager Amir Sedadi, Atlanta Transportation Commissioner Richard Mendoza, NACTO 2nd Vice President and Phoenix Street Transportation Department Wylie Bearup, U.S. Department of Transportation Assistant Secretary for Policy Polly Trottenberg, Boston Transportation Commissioner Thomas J. Tinlin, District of Columbia Chief for Traffic Operations Jose Thommana, U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary of Transportation John D. Porcari, and U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs with the Office of the Secretary Joanna Liberman Turner.

2012 Annual Meeting Agenda