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NACTO Supports President’s Infrastructure Proposal

Feb 15, 2011

Washington, DC – The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) applauded the Obama Administration’s plan to renew and improve America’s roads, railways and runways.

“We fully support the Obama Administration’s proposal to invest $50 billion in America’s aging roads, bridges, and transit immediately, as a prelude to a larger six-year transportation bill,” said NACTO President Janette Sadik-Khan. “As transportation officials from 15 of America’s largest cities, we are uniquely aware of the impact the downturn in the US economy has had on our roads, bridges and transit systems. Many cities have been forced to delay critical projects while demand grows and interim maintenance measures grow more and more expensive.”

The Administration’s proposal would fund critical infrastructure projects and create good-paying, local jobs. NACTO supports the Administration’s plan to require a cost-benefit analysis of proposed transportation projects to better meet national goals, such as road and bridge maintenance, improving public transit, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

As discussions in Congress continue over the reauthorization of the federal transportation program, the Administration’s proposal sets a high bar for performance-based transportation investments. NACTO looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress to enact this important proposal.