The low-traffic, one-block corridor of W. Ardmore Ave. between N. Sheridan Road and N. Kenmore Ave. in Chicago serves as a strategic connection between the north end of the Chicago Lakefront Trail and bikes lanes to the west of the trail. In 2001, a contra-flow bike lane was installed to allow cyclists emerging from the popular Lakefront Trail to have more direct westbound access. The neighborhood, which has a high senior citizen population, had been inclined to riding on the sidewalk or against traffic on W. Ardmore Ave. The contra-flow bike lane facilitates this movement along a safe, designated bikeway. The lane was installed without shifting the placement of parked cars and is marked by double-yellow striping as well as prominent bike & chevron shared lane markings through the intersection. The project was augmented by way-finding signage at the intersection and the revision of an existing ‘Do Not Enter’ sign to read ‘Do Not Enter- Except Bikes.’
W. Ardmore Ave from N. Kenmore to Lakefront Trail Plans
This project was designed and implemented by the Chicago Department of Transportation in May 2001, on W. Ardmore Ave. at the north end of the Lakefront Trail between N. Sheridan Road and N. Kenmore Ave in Chicago IL.