Urban bike networks are a powerful tool for improving transportation equity. Safe, equitable bike networks connect neighborhoods, improve access, and keep people safe—and can be implemented relatively quickly and at low cost. Collaborative planning is important in bikeway and bike network development and implementation, because it helps ensure design and policy solutions truly meet community and citywide needs. To create better projects, planners, engineers, and designers must center partnerships to build meaningful, collaborative relationships with the communities that host and use transportation infrastructure.
Moving Together: Collaborating with Communities for More Equitable Outcomes describes the critical role of collaboration in effective, equitable planning, design, and implementation. It reviews some key considerations and strategies that can help planners approach the obstacles that complicate collaborative work. The working paper focuses in particular on the relationship between city agencies and marginalized communities in developing and implementing transportation projects.
Moving Together is the fourth in a series of working papers developed by NACTO with our member cities to address the most critical gaps in bikeway design guidance, as part of a long-awaited update to the Urban Bikeway Design Guide. Lessons learned since the Guide was first published a decade ago are being shared through these working papers. Later this year, NACTO will codify the papers into a new, third edition of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide.