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Joe Cortright is President and principal economist with Impresa, a Portland consulting firm specializing in regional economic analysis, innovation and industry clusters.  Joe is senior policy advisor for CEOs for Cities, a national organization of urban leaders, and is a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.  He has served as an advisor to state […]

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Eric Lee is President of Bennett Midland LLC, a management consulting company based in New York City. Mayors and government agencies, as well as the nation’s largest philanthropies, turn to Bennett Midland for support with strategy, operational improvements, and the development of state-of-the art information systems. For fifteen years, Eric has developed innovative solutions to […]

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Ryan Russo

Ryan has 25 years of experience in transportation and city planning, executing some of the most transformative transportation changes in the nation. He served in the administrations of New York City Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio, leading the agency’s 500-person planning, engineering and operating divisions staff. Russo worked on the innovative safety, pedestrian, […]

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John O. Norquist is the President and CEO of the Congress for the New Urbanism. John Norquist’s work promoting New Urbanism as an alternative and antidote to sprawl’s social and environmental problems draws on his experience as big-city mayor and prominent participant in national discussions on urban design and transportation policy. Norquist served as Mayor […]

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Jim Curtin is a Senior Transportation Planner for the Seattle Department of Transportation who studied planning and GIS at Northern Arizona University and the University of Washington.  Jim has led a wide range of multi-modal projects from capital improvements to traffic safety initiatives. He created SDOT’s Safe Routes to School program, developed the city’s first […]

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Christine Berthet serves as Manhattan Community Board 4’s First Vice Chair and Co-Chair of the Transportation Committee. In 2005 she co-founded CHEKPEDS (Clinton Hells Kitchen Coalition for Pedestrian Safety), completed the “9th Avenue Renaissance” study and has collaborated with the DOT on the Hell’s Kitchen Transportation Study, since 2007. Ms. Berthet serves on the boards […]

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Dr. Andrew Rundle’s research focuses on the determinants of sedentary lifestyles and obesity and the health related consequences of these conditions, particularly the role of sedentary behavior and obesity in cancer development.  Dr. Rundle directs the Built Environment and Health Research Group, a trans-disciplinary team of researchers studying how neighborhood built and social environments influence […]

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Joan Pasiuk has worked for the past 5+ years at Transit for Livable Communities (TLC), a nonprofit organization working to transform Minnesota’s transportation system through advocacy, organizing, and research. TLC promotes a transportation system that encourages transit, walking, bicycling, and thoughtful development. Joan directs Bike Walk Twin Cities (BWTC) as one of four sites of […]

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Ana Garcia has 15 years of experience supporting and advocating for community-based approaches to health at the national, state, and local levels. Her experience includes work with a variety of nonprofit and government organizations, including the Vermont Department of Health, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees in the […]

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