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Sam Schwartz has nearly 40 years of experience in the field of Transportation Engineering and Traffic Safety and is considered a worldwide authority in traffic, highway, bridge, transit and parking systems. He was New York City’s traffic commissioner and the chief engineer for highways, bridges, ferries and other New York City infrastructure. Mr. Schwartz specializes […]

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Rebekah Scheinfeld

Rebekah Scheinfeld was appointed Commissioner of CDOT by Mayor Rahm Emanuel in January 2014 and directed to continue the critical work of making sure Chicago has a strong, vibrant, accessible transportation network that provides a foundation for a thriving economy in the 21st Century. An attorney, with broad experience in urban development issues, Rebekah oversees […]

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Rebecca L. Sanders, PhD, is a Research Associate for the University of Oklahoma’s Division of Regional and City Planning, where she studies the intersection of transportation and public health in the heartland. Prior to moving to Oklahoma, she worked for UC Berkeley’s Safe Transportation Research and Education Center for seven years, where she evaluated a […]

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Ilaria Salvadori is an urban designer with the City Design Group at the San Francisco Planning Department. She currently manages the Pavement to Parks program, a successful public space initiative aimed at reclaiming underutilized spaces in the city and turning them into vibrant catalyst places for San Francisco neighborhoods. While at the San Francisco Planning […]

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Mike Sallaberry is a certified traffic engineer who has worked in transportation for over 17 years. He started at SFMTA with the Bicycle Program then became the Traffic Calming Manager prior to his current position as the Senior Engineer for Livable Streets, which oversees pedestrian, traffic calming, streetscape, and bicycle projects in San Francisco. Past […]

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Matthew Ridgway, AICP, PTP, Principal with Fehr & Peers, has been involved in many of Fehr & Peers highest visibility and most complex projects. His key strength is his broad background and multi-modal approach, which he has applied to many large-area plans with transit and pedestrian-oriented projects. In addition to his work as a consultant, […]

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Seleta Reynolds

Seleta Reynolds is General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) appointed by the Administration of Mayor Eric Garcetti. Ms. Reynolds is responsible for implementing Great Streets for Los Angeles, a plan to reduce traffic fatalities, double the number of people riding bikes, and expand access to integrated transportation choices for Angelinos and the region.

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Kamala Parks has over eight years of experience and abilities in transportation planning and engineering for all modes of travel. Her primary work interests are focused on pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit travel. By extension, these interests have included work on safety, travel demand management, and multimodal analysis tools. She conducted research for the multimodal level […]

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Timothy directly oversees a team of 30 planning, engineering and policy staff and matrixes over 100 additional staff to develop and lead the implementation of the agency’s economically competitive, sustainable mobility goals through integrated, multi-modal (bicycle, walking, transit, car-sharing, parking and taxi) transportation plans, street design projects, and complete street project integration policies and programs. […]

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Margot Ocañas serves as Pedestrian Coordinator with the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT). Margot’s work focuses on promoting pedestrian issues, establishing citywide coalitions and crafting plans and policies to support implementation of pedestrian improvements. In her role with the Active Transportation Division, Margot develops and implements infrastructural and programmatic pedestrian projects including […]

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