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Walking Tour of Seattle’s Bike Infrastructure

This is the perfect tour for those who want to see some of Seattle’s newest bike facilities, but prefer to travel on foot. Visit protected bicycle lanes built as part of a downtown campus development. Next, make a stop at one of Seattle’s most bike-friendly apartment buildings, which offers secure, private, bike parking, a bike wash station, artistic public bike parking, a bike shop, and ViaBike, a membership bike club. Continue onto Bell Street Park, a park that’s also a street, where the right-of-way has been transformed into a vibrant, safe, and green public space, while continuing to serve cars, bikes, and transit. We will finish up our tour with a stroll down Second Avenue to take a look at a two-way protected bicycle lane on a one-way street, built in 2014 as a demonstration project and recently upgraded with planters, raised driveways, loading zones, and traffic signal enhancements.