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Castro Streetscape Project and Jane Warner Plaza (Friday)

Castro Streetscape Project and Jane Warner Plaza (Friday)

Castro Street between Market and 19th Streets is one of the most well-known and visited neighborhood commercial districts in San Francisco, serving the needs of local residents and being the historic center of the LGBT community. The recently almost completed Castro Streetscape Improvement Project elevates the pedestrian experience with widened sidewalks, new street trees, lighting, bike racks, leaning rails, and public realm enhancements such as rainbow crosswalks, historic fact engravings, celebratory lighting, and bronze Rainbow Honor Walk plaques. These elements further improve the neighborhood experience of an already famous city destination.

The tour will cover the two block scope of the historic commercial corridor. Topics include the public planning process of the project, inter-departmental collaboration, work with local community groups, urban design streetscape elements of the project, historic preservation issues involved, coordination and improvements to transit lines and the historic streetcar line, and the reclamation of an underutilized public right-of-way into a popular community plaza

Led by:
John Dennis, Project Manager, SFDPW
Nick Perry, Urban Designer/Planner, SF Planning Department
Andres Power, Office of SF Supervisor Scott Wiener
